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PRAGUE , ČESKÝ KRUMLOV, PŘEROV, PÍSEK and other places in the Czech Republic.
Munich 1938
On September 29, 1938, the so-called Munich Agreement (or Munich betrayal or Munich dictatorship) was negotiated in Munich between Germany, Italy, France and Great Britain. By this agreement, Czechoslovakia had to cede the border areas to Germany. It was made in all language versions of the participants and was signed after midnight on September 30, 1938. The era of the First Republic ended in Czechoslovakia and as a result of the Munich Agreement, Czechoslovakia lost its historic border areas on the German border, which belonged to the Czech Crown since the Middle Ages. In total, it was almost 30,000 square kilometers of territory, which was inhabited by, among others, almost a million Czechs. German anti-fascists and Jews were persecuted and Czechs were expelled. A total of 150,000 people fled and the Germans took away their national and some civil rights from those who remained on the border.
Betrayal of England, France, the German invasion, we must not forget all this, but other events that followed are shocking. Just before midnight on September 30, 1938, the Polish government submitted an ultimatum to the Czechoslovak government, demanding a large part of the Těšín region, parts of Orava, Spiš, Kysuc and Šariš. Further territorial losses of Czechoslovakia occurred at the beginning of November 1938, when arbitration negotiations on the Czechoslovak-Hungarian border ended in Vienna. From November 5 to 10, Czechoslovakia had to cede part of southern and eastern Slovakia as well as almost half of Subcarpathian Russia to Hungary. The total losses of Pomnich's Czechoslovakia thus amounted to 41,098 km2 and more than two million devoted Czechoslovaks became foreigners in their homes overnight. A small part of the border area of Czechoslovakia annexed by Germany, Poland and Hungary was also occupied by the pro-German Slovak state, which declared independence on March 14, 1939.
It remains to add that "friendship" with Hitler, especially England, France and Poland, did not pay off.
Ukraine and Stalin
The Ukrainian famine of 1932-1933 on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR was the result of industrialization, compulsory levies and collectivization in the agricultural regions of the USSR. The famine is said to have been caused by a Soviet government decree, popularly known as the "Law of the Five Clauses," which banned any trade in peasant areas, suspended food supply to villages, persecuted and punished by staying in the gulag (gulag is the Soviet version of a concentration camp). or death by shooting was punishment for any use of grain and for paying for work in areas that did not meet grain disposal plans. If the levies were not met, the grain intended for sowing was also confiscated, which further deepened the famine. Political commissioners oversaw restrictions on Ukrainian peasants' access to food, peasants were denied their surpluses, and eventually had to surrender all their food to other Soviet regions. According to some historians, the famine in Ukraine was purposefully caused by the policy of the Soviet General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Joseph Stalin, who wanted to destroy the Ukrainian national sentiment through the famine. It all started as early as 1929, when Stalin ordered the liquidation of all kulaks as part of collectivization (Kulak is a Russian designation for medium to rich peasants). To the one who was identified as Kulak, all land was taken away and subsequently destroyed or deported to Siberia and wiped out in the gulag. It is estimated that over 5 million people have been killed in this way, including with the help of an artificial famine. To properly understand this atrocity, we must realize, imagine, take into account the following.
"You are a peasant, you have a field, a cow, a pig, a horse and a hen. Three children, a wife and your grandmother lives with you in the household. your wife and eldest son help you, the old mom cooks and your daughter helps her and watches over her little brother. When they have time off, they knit sweaters. You are not rich and you live so that everyone has their bed in the cottage does not blow, everyone in your household has clothes and even in winter, when you flood them all warm. Here and there you will meet your neighbors and have vodka, and from the daily toil you can be sure that you and your family will have something to eat, and if you have something extra, you will sell it and buy shoes for children, for example. One day you will learn that some Georgian beast that has come to power in Moscow wants to make changes in land and cattle ownership and, most importantly, wants everyone to love and listen to him in the Bolsheviks. You wave your hand and in a few days strangers will come and take all your food, cattle, grain and poultry. They won't kill you, but after a few days your grandmother dies of hunger, then you watch your children and wife die of hunger, and then you hang yourself. "
By the way, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Georgian: Ioseb Besarionis dze Jugugashvili) and the politics of this Caucasian revolutionary and brawler have claimed more than 8 million lives in Ukraine over the years of his dictatorial rule, largely in Ukraine. It is therefore not surprising that when Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa on June 22, 1941, the Ukrainians perceived the advancing Nazi soldiers as liberators. The Ukrainian Insurgent Army was even formed, clearing part of Ukraine from the Red Army. However, Ukrainians did not rejoice for a long time, because according to Adolf Hitler and other Nazi chiefs, the destruction of the "Judeo-Bolshevik" state would mean removing the threat from Germany's eastern borders, but mainly allow Germans to use needs of the German population. The area would also provide space for future German settlers. On 14 December 1941, Hitler dealt with various matters concerning the Imperial Commissariat of Ukraine and insisted, inter alia, that Crimea and most of southern Ukraine should be "cleansed" of undesirable nationalities, especially Slavs, and directly annexed to the German Empire as an area called Gotenland ( Land of the Goths).
So after the famine came the murder and burning of the villages by the Nazis and their retreat with the tactics of the scorched earth, and then the Red Army returned with members of the NKVD and the People's Commissars began purging the collaborating Ukrainians. Ukraine did not gain independence until 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union, but it still has no shortage of conflicts with Russia.
Information about the war in Ukraine, which began with the Russian invasion on the morning of Thursday, February 24, 2022.
Armenia and Turkey
The Armenian Genocide is a term when the Turks murdered more than 2 million Armenians during 1915 and 1918. Although the Turkish government admits that many Armenians died during the dramatic period of the Ottoman Empire, it has long denied that it was a planned genocide; labeling these events as genocide can even be punished in Turkey as an "insult to the Turkish people".
The Turks may refuse, but the truth is elsewhere. From 1878, Armenia became part of European interests. Turkish Sultan Abdülhamid II. Fearing the loss of influence over the territory, he decided to threaten the European powers and the Armenians by having 300,000 Armenians murdered in 1895 and 1896. "Just like that, they will be." The Turkish Ottoman Empire gradually lost throughout the 19th century. European territories such as Serbia, Moldova, Romania, Greece, and this led the Turks to aggression and rage, thus starting another series of genocide. Armenian resistance movements began to grow, but so did the Ottoman Turks. In 1909 another massacre took place and there were 30,000 Armenians. In 1912, the first Balkan war broke out, which ended with the defeat of the Ottoman Empire and hundreds of thousands of Muslims, mostly Turks, had to leave the Balkans. More than 800,000 refugees have settled in Armenians. Turkish refugees resented the status of their relatively well-off neighbors, and it was these envious refugees who later played a key role in killing Armenians and seizing their property. During World War I, in January 1915, the Turkish army clashed with Russian troops on Armenian territory and was defeated in battle. The Armenians were foolishly accused of being the cause of the Turkish defeat, and so the fanatical Turks began preparing genocide that neither Armenia nor other surrounding countries remembered. Military units were formed from the former criminals, and this commando deported the Armenians from the eastern provinces to a pre-built Turkish concentration camp in May 1915. Most Armenians did not survive this transport in drastic conditions, hunger, thirst and disease. Those who were more likely to survive were executed. Prominent people were executed before the deportation order was issued. In the next stage, the survivors were sent across the Syrian desert to a camp in Mesopotamia, and if they survived, they drove them back to the desert, where they had no chance of surviving, or burned them alive.
Turkey's officials see the alleged genocide as the death of several hundred thousand people of both nationalities as a result of the confusion caused by the need to deal quickly with the problems of the crumbling Ottoman Empire. The Armenian Genocide is internationally recognized in Armenia, Russia, Canada, France, Sweden, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, the Vatican, Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Lebanon, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, Bolivia, Slovakia and since 2017 also in the Czech Republic.
Cambodia, the full name of the Kingdom of Cambodia, is a country in Southeast Asia. The Kingdom of Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in the region, so no glory without wars and murders.
What the hell did not want in 1975, the Khmer Rouge forcibly took power. They had great support from the population, which was a big mistake, and the Cambodians' faith in peace and good was a huge mistake. The former French colony torn apart by the war in neighboring Vietnam turned into hell. Several years of Khmer Rouge tyranny brought the country back several centuries, killing millions. The Khmer Rouge was a Cambodian Maoist and nationalist organization that, led by the Cambodian Communist revolutionary and Pol Pot politician, pursued a policy of brutal terror against the Cambodian population.
The killings were so massive that even the number of victims was incorrectly estimated. The Red Khmer did not keep records, and the neighbors do not remember the family that was killed because they were massacred as well. There is talk of three million victims.
The Holocaust and the Genocide
The Holocaust of the English Holocaust = complete destruction, complete catastrophe, massacre, was the Nazi policy of systematic, state-run persecution and mass murder, especially of Jewish nationality. In the same way, Hitler's regime ruthlessly liquidated communists, social democrats, Jehovah's Witnesses, the physically or mentally handicapped, homosexuals, and the Roma. The Nazis also considered the Slavs to be a lower quality race, and systematic liquidation affected mainly Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles and Serbs. More than 20 million civilians died during World War II through physical executions at executions and concentration camps. In this respect, it is necessary to perceive that there is no great evil and little evil in terms of numbers and manner of execution. There is always only one evil, and killing innocent people from a position of power is the perverted and abominable behavior of psychiatric people. The problem is when psychopaths come to power.
Genocide, ie the crime against humanity, is a sad part of human history and has been documented since ancient times. Ruthless assassinations of conquered cities, enemy tribes, or religious enemies were common practice. We must also not forget to mention the Holy Inquisition, which has dealt with heresy for almost 400 years since the twelfth century by having hundreds of thousands of completely innocent people burned.
To this paragraph we borrow the words of the English historian and martyr John Fox (1516-1587)
"At the beginning of the interrogation, which was recorded by the official in Latin, the accused and witnesses had to swear that they would not conceal anything. In the great hypocrisy of the papacy, the papal church declared that it was not allowed to shed blood, and therefore the convicts were handed over to the cooperating secular power to punish or execute them. "
How is one to prove that this is not what he is accused of? Absolute lies cannot be fought, and whoever wants to judge, convict, imprison and murder will always find an argument!
One more small suspension. If the monsters Hitler and Stalin are rightly perceived in contemporary history, we must make one more well-known remark in the first place. There is absolutely no way to compare which one was worse and probably, every nation would perceive it differently. However, it can be stated that while in Germany under Hitler you could have sailed without any problems. If you didn't beat Jews or get involved in communist politics, it was enough to do a little cheer here and there, to perform work duties and no one paid much attention to you. No one in the Soviet Union could be sure of anything under Stalin, and you could have been what a devoted Bolshevik or Stalin's collaborator wanted, and death passed you around every day.
In conclusion, we would just like to say that we fully understand that these cases are only a fraction of the injustices, cruelties and bestials that have occurred in world history. However, our goal was not to create an encyclopedia of murdering the innocent. We wanted to pick up and recall just a few lesser-known facts and put them into context in today's context.
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