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It all started on Saturday 18.1. 2020 around noon. The day before, it had snowed and the snowman's story could begin.
In the beginning there was a snowball and it grew until it was the first big one snowball.
The second ball was added the next day and the snowman grew up. However, it was very cold and the second ball was poorly prepared and small. For a moment, it looked like the snowman would stay like this and he would actually be just a skittle. However, the ball worked like a snowman's head more than well - it was just a round ball ...
Then came the complicated phase, because the third sphere managed to create bigger than the second. It was therefore necessary to carefully separate the second ball as the snowman's head and place the third ball as the second. Subsequently, the second ball was originally used as a head and the snowman had its basic size.
The snowman's recovery phase has begun. First, the snowman got a cap on his head, which was not an easy process, but he succeeded. Then his face painted. He got his nose and mouth with a knife and his eyes were made of ice. Hand preparation also began. The height of the snowman in his greatest glory was more than 2 meters. 27.1. In 2020, the weather changed and the snowman fell ill - he got melted. He lost a little weight and his cap broke down, but fortunately he recovered and soon gained his hands as well. The snowman's hands were small, but they welcomed every visitor.
As you all know, during the turn of January and February 2020, an unexpected warming came and so began an irreversible end for our snowman. He lost weight and more than one tear fell. The warming was short (about a week), but even the subsequent cooling and snowfall on February 5, 2020 did not save the snowman. The last piece of the snowman was recorded on the afternoon of 3.2.2020.
Some tips for building a snowman
and facts about a snowman.
The basic precondition for building a snowman is snow. A problematic factor can be a situation where the snow is "dry, dusty", ie when it is very cold / frost and the consistency of the snow does not allow a good connection. The only option is to moisten the snow. It is also good when there is a sufficient layer of snow, because as the weight of the ball rolls, it will reach the surface and then the ball will get dirty from the dirt and grass. Cosmetic treatments then take a lot of time. Think about the size of the balls, because the weight increases with size and you can then get into trouble stacking the balls. If you do not want to have brittle, frozen fingers, it is advisable to have gloves.
Unicode - snowman - special character ☃ (U + 2603).
Czech spelling rules: snowman
WORDS: snowman / snowmen / snowmen / snowman / snowman / snowman / snowman / snowmen / snowmen
The basic skeleton of a Czech snowman consists of three bulging balls, but in Japan or the United Kingdom, for example, it is customary to build only two balls. The first written mention of snowmen can be found in the 16th century by Shakespeare.
In Russian the snowman is said (Sněžnaja baba) - snowmother, in English (Snowman) - snowman, in French (Bonhomme de neige) - snowman, in Japanese (Yuki Daruma) - Daruma from the snow (Daruma is a statuette that performs wishes), in Polish then (Bałwan), which is also an expression for a stupid person.
In conclusion
When someone visits this site, they may say that the author is suffering from a mental disorder. Why is it good to write about a snowman?
The snowman is one of the good proofs of transience and, to some extent, futility. The effort will only allow you to preserve the memory, the photos, the videos, the time when the snowman was built and when he stood, as part of the environment in which you created him. The birth of a snowman can only become your decision. The size, details and location of the snowman is up to you, how much time and energy you want to put into the snowman. You can't stop the end of a snowman and he will inevitably disappear.
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