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We offer an informal view from the personal experiences of several people.
A lot has certainly been written on the subject, but perhaps we will give readers something new and stimulating.
As a heterosexual man, I perceive a woman as the basis for a man's meaningful life, as well as a man's only meaningful sense of life for a heterosexual woman. So you want female androphilia and male gynecophilia. Thus, we would have from the "neck" the basic sexual orientation, in which it is inevitable to achieve a full relationship with the opposite sex. From this rather boring introduction, we will move straight on to what I would define as a life experience. I apologize in advance to all women who will read it, I'm just a man :-) (Peter 39)
The basic mistake that is borne by modern society and is often the reason for "failed intercourse" is the idea that only men are horny. Personally, I think that women suffer much more from a desire that they do not manage well. Although it is true that the rape of men by women is completely negligible, so aggressive sex is primarily a chapter for disabled and unbalanced men. However, let's leave this to psychologists and psychiatrists. Let's imagine that we are normal :-) In this paragraph, the point is that I had to understand that I can lure a woman by buying flowers, various gifts, going to the cinema and masturbating at home, but then it can be very easy state that another man comes takes the woman to dinner and ends up in bed. The next day it happens that the woman tells you that it was very nice with you, but that she has someone else. The lesson from this is simple. Whatever happens, let it happen! Whether you like it or not, like haste and rudeness, restraint also discourages it. It's just that if you want to have a platonic relationship and your sexual goal as the image you are praying to, I wish you good luck from the bottom of your heart, but if you are both healthy then sexually active - it can't work. The point is that I am convinced that a woman can be aroused much more easily than a man if the conditions are right. Thanks to the X-year social convention, however, a woman is usually able to keep her desires in check, both in terms of maintaining her level in the position of a woman and for various logical reasons such as current partner, husband, children, etc. their interest and this very fact will satisfy them to appease their ego and be able to go in peace in the house to promote their interests with a partner, husband, etc. In fact, it's an almost endless cycle of the same. Likewise, a man and a woman want to prove that they can have someone other than them. Infidelity, whether platonic or physical, is an almost natural part of all relationships. It only depends on everyone where he lets him go and what he is able to sacrifice for something new.
I have to write, for me, this important text, which will cover all parts of the topic. It is definitely not my goal to discuss sexuality and all its aspects of human life in any way. I am not and never will be Sigmund Freud, even though I partially know and respect his work. All I want to do is express my experiences and observations from my life. Personally, I believe and agree with the statement that every balanced relationship between a man and a woman is 50% sex and 50% mutual understanding - if you want intelligence harmony. So when sex doesn't work, the relationship doesn't survive when sex works, but the two don't have anything to say, so the relationship doesn't work either. Yes, I admit it can have mathematical deviations, so it can be as much as 30% to 70% and vice versa, but otherwise in my opinion not anymore. Let us realize that I am not researching a relationship that will last a month or a year. In my opinion, the limiting time between a man and a woman in a joint household is 4 years. If the above balance between sex and understanding does not work and the relationship continues, it is always just self-sacrifice for one and sometimes both without them often realizing it. The main aspects of an ongoing but dysfunctional relationship / marriage are stereotype, comfort, fear and, most importantly, children. I'll keep it, I'll hold it, I can handle it, because the kids. Not that I don't understand and respect it, but the result is usually life in "hell" which will not bring anything to the children and usually the separation / divorce / division, etc. will only be delayed.
Let's go back to the beginning and start focusing on specific situations, ie my experience and the experience of people I met. One of the basic complicated moments of a relationship in today's consumer society is money. First, then, what it is like when they are. There is a lot of cheating in a relationship with money. Expensive gifts and holidays carry their weight because women are much more receptive to the opinion of others. Nice jewelry, handbags, shoes, etc. are a source of satisfaction, because they arouse recognition or envy in friends and thus strengthen the ego of a woman. Also, photos and videos from expensive holidays help maintain a social impression, a beautiful and great relationship. I admit and I admit that it's fine. However, it has one whole flaw, and that only women with a reduced IQ can withstand the manipulation of a relationship, or they have to "alcohol" a lot, and drugs are good for that - either you can't understand it or you have to get into a state when you do not perceive reality. In reverse, many men remained unhappy because there was a house, cars, gifts, holidays, artificial breasts and shot hair, but Madam disappeared with the garbage man (nothing against the garbage man, it was just an example and understand that in the context of this example garbage man who won). So money is fine anyway, but it doesn't solve anything on its own.
Now a few specific cases where or in which I have been. It's a bit for the stronger characters and is the one who will understand the context, congratulations, the one who will not understand them or not believe it, I wish he would never experience anything like this. I will write everything in the second person, because as I said in some cases, I was just like a friend or just like who saw and heard it.
She was a girl and he was a boy. She was nice he was nice. She was cheerful he was cheerful. She was entered he was after a breakup. After a few words of two meetings, they bit into each other. She left her boyfriend with whom she was 8 years old. Respectively, she went with her new one and stayed with him. She didn't even go for her things and she solved it by buying new ones. Alcohol and music played a big role in this relationship. He had a job and she was an artist, so she painted pictures and paintings more precisely, and her father had a gallery where, among other things, her work was sold. They didn't have much money, but they had enough to be a party-to-party relationship. It was all very cheerful and a lot of people who knew them envied their carefree lives. But that's not how it works. Well, in fact, it would probably work, but no fun will last forever, even though it could entice someone, it has no lasting value. Only sex, alcohol and music and a little here and there to make some money. One day, after about 4 months, the boy got a "zeal of responsibility" and started solving practical things. The girl didn't like it and one day she left and returned to her former partner. The party and fun ended and it was over. I think it would take them a few months longer, but sadly, the only thing that could prolong it is to start taking some chemistry, because alcohol was low.
Wasn't the previous case so interesting? I see. We have another one. There was one woman and one man. Love like from a red bookcase. They married very young, she was 18 and he was 20, and within three years they had two children. Ideal, but as long as the parents helped it. The man didn't want to work hard, not out of laziness, but out of the feeling that every job he offered or tried seemed inferior to him. And so they got into financial trouble, which deepened in lending. There is no point in solving what was the main cause, but a man's fondness for slot machines also played a role in everything. One day they came up with an "interesting" solution. The woman offered to go to the nightclub's companion. For ignorant companions in a nightclub, it is a kind of socially tolerable definition for a prostitute. So time went on and the man regularly called the nightclub with the question "how much did my wife earn?". I have no idea how this marriage ended.
Another story. It can happen and, as I have already written, I perceive everything in such a way that it can happen to a man as well as a woman. Although you may be intellectually fit and have extensive experience, you can still come across. It's complicated sex, if it's nice, then especially in the beginning forgives a lot - you know? :-) Well, yeah, but it's stupid when joint plans get involved. We will live together - this is quite standard, but when you are still planning to start a company and do business, it is not so easy. And so it happened that after 15 years, a woman called a man. Previously, they only knew each other in a platonic, friendly and working relationship. The woman wanted to change the place where she lived with her ex-boyfriend (nothing conflicting but…) and especially also the job, where she did not manage mentally interpersonal relationships for a long time. The man was after a difficult breakup, but he had a concept and started a business. Word gave a word to a couple of sms and phone calls and a classic weekend took place in the pension - alcohol, sex and absolute harmony. Remembering old times and discussing many topics from their lives. The man explained to the woman his concept, the woman was excited and everything ran, as the company was established on the wire, business began and earned, and regular weekends took place in boarding houses. In fact, if it stayed that way, it was almost perfect. But the woman wanted to change the housing and the job. The company was at the beginning, so it was not earning enough and the situation was not critical, but it was complicated. It is either one or the other. Change of work and housing or company did not go all together. How to get out of it - that was the question. In the end, the woman solved it. One day the man called and said she had quit and time was running out. The man behaved as expected and believed how great it would all be when they lived together. He subordinated everything to the needs of women and living together. What has happened is, I think, understandable at this point, and probably correct and normal. But how did it go on? The woman had all her needs fulfilled, so she moved, she found a job in which she was well. After a month of living together in the permanently conflicting atmosphere that the woman evoked, she said that she was not interested in the company and broke up with her husband. She found another man in a few days and it was all over. To understand this story, it is necessary to mention that all of the above took place within 6 months. The lesson from this is simple - never change the state in which it works - certainly not quickly and not subject to any pressure. Everything has its time and everything has to mature.