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Cleverness and stupidity are two problematic concepts. Being smart in connection with, for example, "he was a clever man - he deprived me of everything" gives a certain superiority to the one who was that clever person, but here it is no longer a question of cleverness based on knowledge and experience, but mostly based on cleverness. In general, cleverness is perceived in connection with education, but as has been said and written many times, education does not automatically guarantee intelligence, that is, it does not guarantee wisdom. But how to perceive natural cleverness within the world we live in?

An example of negative cleverness can be a common case of newsstand shopping. Some customers lose 500 CZK when paying, no one is here and you see it. You wait for him to leave and you pick up the 500 and it's yours. What else to say. Is it cleverness or cunning? If you have a basic elemental morality in you, you will want to justify it. You say, "If I wasn't here for five hundred, the customer would still lose, so someone else would take it." But you saw it and that's the difference. You had a choice. And that's where cleverness and decency break. Conscious undeserved enrichment is theft.    
Therefore, if we are to have cleverness also understood within the framework of certain moral principles, it needs to be based on intelligence, and this, as has already been said, is not in direct proportion to education. Intelligence is based on the education and individual ability to perceive the surrounding world, learning and analyzing available information. This is not the first time that it is necessary to mention the great truth that wisdom means consciousness-context.
A smart man can be with a stupid woman, because often they can manage many things in coexistence better than in an intellectually balanced relationship. A smart woman can't be with a stupid man because she wouldn't be able to stand with a stupid man socially and that would sooner or later "catch up" with her.
The worst are (dwarves as Cimrman says :-), but otherwise it is necessary to perceive that the worst people are only half smart and the size of the person does not matter. The half-smart have the greatest desire to present their reason, both in a relationship and in society. Coexistence with them is very complicated, because they have their opinion on everything and are able to insist on their opinion regardless of the arguments presented.

The social system allows you to live without work. It is not for nothing that gypsies / Roma are said to be the smartest because they know how to survive. More than once, something has been written in the sense - "I work so I can enjoy myself, and I don't enjoy anything because of work." Basically, this means that more than 50% of the population works just to maintain their standard of living and enjoy something here and there. In this regard, the big question is who is smart and who is stupid, when someone can have more experiences without work. There is no point in analyzing what is and what is not an experience it is an absolutely extremely individual matter for each of us and like one will satisfy someone else's car to see a nice picture and someone likes it in nature and someone just gets drunk. Responsibility plays a crucial role in the functioning of the system, and it binds the majority of the population, so the principles (you must not, you must, you can prostě) are simply responsibilities that maintain the system. It must therefore be acknowledged that any abuse of the system cannot be considered a bad thing, because the system makes it possible and we are back in the question of who is smart and who is stupid.

Such a tender. A person who has won a tender due to fraud cannot be considered a fool or a morally damaged individual - either you want to win or you don't want another choice. We only know the big billions of cases from the media, but the same machinations are happening in municipalities and cities, you just don't have to create expensive analyzes to substantiate / defend it. If you take part in a tender, for example for mowing in the city and you have information about other participants and their offers and you know what price is most acceptable for the city, you would be a fool to do so other than to win that tender.  Usually, a fictitious participant in the tender is "tuning in", ie a friend who does not want to win and will set the prize so that yours is even more optimal. It is cut off the most expensive and cheapest and is selected from the rest.

Another example is from ordinary office work. When one is given the task of scanning documents and copying them instead, it is not stupidity, but ignorance. This example is not about everyone having to know the difference between scanning and copying. The important thing is, if you don't know, you have to be able to ask questions and not pretend to understand. This is stupidness - not ignorance, but the inability to understand the meaning of one's position and the belief that everything needs to be nodded - it will turn out somehow. Investing time and attention in finding out exactly what to do pays off in every job. The worst job is the one that is useless and useless, it is better to do nothing.

The social system allows you to live without work. It is not for nothing that it is said that gypsies / Roma are the smartest, because they master the art of survival very well. More than once, something has been written in the sense - "I work so I can enjoy myself, and I don't enjoy anything because of work." Basically, this means that more than 50% of the population works just to maintain their standard of living and enjoy something here and there. In this regard, the big question is who is smart and who is stupid, when someone can have more experiences without work. There is no point in discussing what is and what is not an experience it is an absolutely extremely individual affair of each of us and like one will satisfy someone else's car to see a nice picture and someone loves nature and someone has the greatest booze experience. Responsibility plays a crucial role in the functioning of the system, and it binds the majority of the population, so the principles (you must not, you must, you can prostě) are simply responsibilities that maintain the system. It must therefore be acknowledged that any abuse of the system cannot be considered a bad thing, because the system makes it possible and we are back in the question of who is smart and who is stupid.

Such a tender. A person who has won a tender due to fraud, bribery, etc. cannot be considered a fool or a morally damaged individual - either you want to win or you don't want another choice. We only know the big billions of cases from the media, but the same machinations are happening in municipalities and cities, you just don't have to create expensive analyzes to substantiate / defend it. If you take part in a tender, for example for mowing in the city and you have information about other participants and their offers and you know what price is most acceptable for the city, you would be a fool to do so other than to win that tender. Usually, a fictitious participant in the tender is "tuning in", ie a friend who does not want to win and will set the prize so that yours is even more optimal. It is cut off the most expensive and cheapest and is selected from the rest. If you have good contacts, you can easily afford to offer a dumped price, so the price is below your costs, because extra work will compensate you.

Another example is from ordinary office work. When one is given the task of scanning documents and copying them instead, it is not stupidity, but ignorance. This example is not about everyone having to know the difference between scanning and copying. The important thing is, if you don't know, you have to be able to ask questions and not pretend to understand. This is stupidness - not ignorance, but the inability to understand the meaning of one's position and the belief that everything needs to be nodded - it will turn out somehow. Investing time and attention in finding out exactly what to do pays off in every job. The worst job is the one that is useless and useless, it is better to do nothing.


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